December 31, 2010

Happy new year!!

What can I say? Another year has gone, faster than I thought, but slow enough so I could enjoy it. And that's because it brought me a lot of good things. A bit disappointed, though... Damn... I wanted to see those flying cars, hover boards and mutant monsters many movies promised. Anyway, it wasn't bad at all. Perhaps robots ruling the world wasn't on the list of the things I wished for the 2010.

Oh, yeah... one year older, and one year less of school, I suppose. Seriously, I'm happy about that. At the same time that makes me a little bit sad. I mean, it is a year less I'll be with my pals and friends. Although you'll meet more people and you'll make new friends, they won't replace the older ones. How could they do that?

Also I was thinking the things we do every New Year's eve: rituals, dinner, the 12 grapes. We can't forget the classic resolutions. That's the part that annoy me. Why should we expect to change our habits from a year to another? Why can't we do that all the year? We shouldn't wait until December 31 to hope to change as person. The human is an evolving creature. If we committed mistakes, we can fix it (or at least avoid it), but we don't have to wait until the end of a year. If you ask me what's my New Year resolution, it's don't falling with the same stone twice.

To my friends who are reading this, I appreciate your friendship, to the old and the new ones. Thanks for hearing me always I needed, for tolerating my madness. XD Writing serious... Thank you so much for your company.

Well... I don't wanna to write more, and I know I'll bore you if you read more, so... Happy New Year, Feliz Año Nuevo, Joyeux Nouvel An, 明けましておめでとうございます. Now, to celebrate with my family.